Friday, 20 April 2012

Prunus padus

In La Cloche Naturetum (, the early flowering of our oldest Prunus padus (the Bird Cherry) is a magic event, short in time but so intense.  May be birds too love the lighting of this tree as they come in high number to populate it.  Their songs add to the tree frenzy with its downpour of simple small white flowers soon lying all over the site.
I love you Prunus padus for this show of a musical vision of beauty, but I love you too in Summer when your light shade overshadows the giant hammock I dispose at your foot.  A hammock in which sometimes a visiting beauty rests and adds her sumptuosity to the decor.  A hammock in which other times I let my brain floating in a half dream while humming the fresh air you dispense.
I love you in Autumn for the light song of the wind in your falling leaves.
I love you in Winter for your hosting of birds who much before the Spring claim their will and approbation to life in such a delicately-noisy, delicious, concert.
Prunus padus you decorate the sub-artic and even the artic countries of Euro-Asia, to the pleasure of so many species, including the human one.

Prunus padus  Specimen 1534  Naturetum de Sologne

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